English Teachers’ Association-Republic of China (ETA-ROC) was founded in May 31, 1992. Our mission is to promote English language teaching and learning. We have held an international symposium and book exhibition since its establishment back in 1971. Over the past years, renowned linguists and ESL/EFL scholars from all over the world have been invited to gather in Taipei, shedding new lights, and sharing views on the diverse areas of teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign languages. Each symposium attracts at least 1,500 teaching professionals of all levels to participate and 50 publishers to display their ELT books as well as software in this important event.
In an effort to meet the demands of increasing globalization, ETA-ROC has also been actively pursuing interaction with other English teaching organizations. Following affiliation with TESOL in 1992, then 1997, ETA joined the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) in January 1999, Far East English Language Teachers Association (FEELTA) in 2003, Japanese Association of College English Teachers (JACET) in 2004, and Philippines Association of Language Teachers (PALT) in 2005.
To enhance the standard of English language teaching in Taiwan.
To exchange ideas on language teaching as well as learning and establish linkage with teaching professionals from countries such as U.S.A., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia.
To implement teaching methodology in schools of tertiary levels