Helen Louise Basturkmen
Helen Louise Basturkmen, PhD from Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom, is currently professor of Applied Languages Studies and Linguistics at the University of Auckland, Australia. Prior to this position, she worked as a lecturer and teacher educator in Turkey and the Middle East. She is now on the editorial review board of the journal English for Specific Purposes, Journal of English Medium Instruction, Studies in Second Language Teaching and Learning and New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics. Her expertise includes Developing courses in English for Specific Purposes, Discourse Analysis, Academic English, and English Medium Instruction. Some of her publications compriseLinguistic Description in English for Academic Purposes,“Dealing With Language Issues During Subject Teaching in EMI: The Perspectives of Two Accounting Lecturers,” and ESP teacher education needs.
Xuesong (Andy) Gao
Xuesong (Andy) Gao is an associate professor at the School of Education, University of New South Wales, Australia. He has been involved in language teacher education in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan. His research interests include language learner autonomy, language education policy, and language teacher education. His research has been funded by Research Grants Council (Hong Kong), Sumitomo Foundation (Japan), and the Standing Committee for Language Education and Research (Hong Kong). He has published widely in international journals, including ELT Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Modern Language Journal, and Teaching and Teacher Education. He is a co-editor of System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics and co-editor of the English Language Education book series, published by Springer.
Tetsuo Harada
Tetsuo Harada is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences at Waseda University, Japan, where he teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in second language (L2) acquisition, bilingual education, content and language integrated learning as well as advanced phonetics and experimental phonetics. He also served as Assistant Professor of Japanese Linguistics and Japanese Applied Linguistics in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of Oregon. He completed his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research interests include L2 speech learning in immersion programs, content-based language teaching (CBLT), and bilingual education. He published several articles and chapters on CBLT in such edited books as The content-based classroom: New perspectives on integrating language and content (2017) and English as a Lingua Franca in Japan: Towards multilingual practices (2020).
Renate Link
Renate Link has been a Professor of Business English and Intercultural Communication at the Faculty of Business and Law at Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences/Germany since 2011. Since 2013, she has also been the Vice Head of the university’s Language Centre and, since 2021, the Head of the university’s Institute for Intercultural Communication.She originally studied Business Administration specialising in Tourism Management, General & Business English and Methods & Didactics of German as a Foreign Language. Besides, she completed qualifications in Vocational Pedagogies and Intercultural Communication & Cooperation. Before becoming a professor, she was working in the Tourism Sector and as a Trainer for Languages and Intercultural Management with an international clientele.She holds a doctoral degree in British Cultural Studies, English Literature and Economics; Since her doctoral thesis on Intercultural Communication in Tourism, she has focused on cross-cultural research. In the above fields, she has published books and scientific articles and presented at major conferences worldwide (e.g. NAFSA, EAIE, SIETAR, IACCM, IAIR).Since 2014, she has been the Leader of several Didactic Working Groups on languages and cross-cultural communication; and since 2021, she has also been the voluntary Co-Head of the SIETAR Regional Chapter “Frankfurt-Rhine-Main-Lower Franconia” in Germany. In this position, she has organized various webinars.
In her function as the Vice Head of her university’s Language Centre, she has successfully staged several on-site as well as remote conferences and international weeks with Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences being a host or co-host.
Dilin Liu
Dilin Liu (劉迪麟) is Professor Emeritus of the Applied Linguistics/TESOL program in theEnglish Department at the University of Alabama, USA. His research focuses on the descriptionand teaching of English grammar and vocabulary using cognitive- and corpus-linguisticapproaches. He has published extensively with over 80 publications, including seven books andnumerous journal articles and book chapters. His articles have appeared in many differentinternational journals in linguistics and applied linguistics, including Applied Linguistics,Cognitive Linguistics, ELT Journal, English for Specific Purposes, Foreign Language Annals,International Journal of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics,International Journal of Lexicography, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal ofEnglish Linguistics, Journal of Pragmatics, Language Teaching Research, Modern LanguageJournal, Research in the Teaching of English, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, TESOLJournal, and TESOL Quarterly. He has served on the editorial boards of ELT Journal, Journal ofEnglish for Academic Purposes, International Journal of Lexicography, Lingua, System, TESOLQuarterly, TESOL Journal, among others, as well as a reviewer for over twenty internationaljournals and book publishers, such as Cambridge University Press, Palgrave-MacMillan, andRoutledge.
Audrey Buenavista Morallo
Audrey Buenavista Morallo is Assistant Professor at the College of Education, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City where he teaches applied linguistics, methods, and language acquisition courses. He was an English teacher at the Philippine Science High School- Main Campus in Quezon City, the Philippines’ premier science-oriented high school, where he taught both research writing and oral communication and public speaking subjects. Before teaching in PSHS Main Campus, he was an online writer for Philstar.com. He was also a teaching assistant at the Department of English and Applied Linguistics of De La Salle University Manila and a lecturer at the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Communications Department of FEU Institute of Technology for a few years. He obtained his MA in Education major in Language Education at the College of Education of the University of the Philippines Diliman in 2018 while he finished his Bachelor of Arts major in Journalism with high honors at the University of Santo Tomas in 2011.
Glenn Stockwell
Glenn Stockwell (PhD, University of Queensland) iis Professor of Applied Linguistics at theGraduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda University. He isauthor of Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Contexts and Challenges (CambridgeUniversity Press, 2022) and editor of Smart CALL: Personalization, Contextualization, &Socialization (Castledown Publishers) and Computer Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in
Research and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2012). He is editor-in-chief of The JALTCALL Journal and the Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics and associate editor ofComputer Assisted Language Learning.His current research interests include the impact of
technology on teaching and learning, mobile-assisted language learning, teacher and learnertraining with technology, and the development of learner autonomy.
Chen, Chao-ming
Chen, Chao-ming (陳超明) won his PhD from the Department of English at Florida State University, USA. He is currently a chair professor of the Department of Applied English, Chilee University of Technology. He published widely in the area of English literature and TESOL. His research interests cover English literature and teaching English.
Yu-Ju Lan
Prof. Yu-Ju Lan (藍玉如) is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chinese as a Second Language at National Taiwan Normal University. Before becoming a professor at the university, she had been teaching in two different elementary schools in Taiwan for over 20 years. This experience has motivated her to develop different platforms to meet different language learners’ multiple needs. Her research interests include language learning in virtual worlds, mobile learning, and online synchronous teacher training.
Since 2009, she has been leading the team of the NTNU TELL Lab responsible for carrying out various projects of using technology to enhance language learning. These projects and studies include how to efficiently and effectively use mobile-learning (ML) devices and virtual worlds (Second Life) to improve foreign language learners’ language proficiency. The research outcomes have been published in leading international journals, such as Language Learning & Technology (LL&T) and Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET).
Through the years, Prof. Lan has been developing platforms and tools to integrate information technology with language education. All the platforms, along with the instructional designs, were practically used in various elementary schools and universities. The research outcomes have been highly valued.
Teng Huei-chun
Teng Huei-chun (鄧慧君) received her PhD in foreign language education at the University of Minnesota, USA. She is now professor of the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. She published prolifically and her research interests include Listening Comprehension, Oral Communication, Language Testing, Learning Strategy.
You Yu-ling
You Yu-ling (游毓玲) won her PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. She is now professor of English, National Changhua University of Education. Her research interests cover academic writing, pedagogy and education, and e-learning.“Investigating the Metacognitive Awareness and Strategies of English-Majored University Student Writers,” “Interpreting Chinese zero anaphors: Determining the scope of topic continuity and reexamining the recovery rules,” and “Interpreting Chinese zero anaphors within topic continuity.”